How UCVoucher Discovers, Verifies, Tests, and Ranks Discount Codes

Our mission at UCVoucher is to help shoppers save money while shopping online. To achieve this as effectively as possible, we rely on honesty and transparency regarding how UCVoucher operates. On this page, we want to explain exactly what goes into the process of discovering, sorting, and publishing each coupon on our website.

Discovering Discount Codes

The key to finding the best discount codes is to search where they are published and shared. Nowadays, a discount code can appear anywhere: in your email inbox, your mailbox, at the start of a podcast episode, or even on a billboard.

Since you can never be sure where you'll come across a discount code, we have to search far and wide to find the best ones. We regularly collect discount codes from more than 20 sources, starting with the most common places where discount codes are found online, including codes shared on social media, emails, and other platforms used by online stores for advertising and communicating with buyers.

We also receive codes directly from stores or indirectly through affiliate networks. Ultimately, we receive discount codes directly from shoppers who submit them to UCVoucher. These coupons may have been found in places like newspaper ads, on billboards, or on the back of a receipt.

How We Sort and Verify Discount Codes

Setting up, maintaining, and operating the human and AI-powered system we use for collecting, verifying, and sorting discount codes requires a lot of work. This is where we at UCVoucher spend most of our time. This system combines the work of our team in checking coupons with some of the latest AI technologies to filter out the best discount codes that offer savings to buyers.

How We Verify the Quality of Discount Codes

After we've found and published as many discount codes for as many stores as possible, we need to ensure that the codes we publish are of high quality and actually work to help buyers save. We do this by sourcing our codes directly from reliable sources. Almost all the codes we publish are found directly in the marketing and advertising of the stores themselves or their partners. We do not recycle old codes from other coupon websites that do not work. We put a lot of effort into finding, verifying, and publishing high-quality codes directly from the source.

How We Rank and Display Coupons

Deciding which discount codes are displayed at the top of our pages is a complex issue. While we add new codes quickly, many codes also expire after just a few days. Some discount codes are only valid for a limited number of products in a store or have restrictions, exclusions, or other conditions - such as "Buy one, get one free".

To be as helpful to buyers as possible, we've developed a ranking system that takes multiple factors into consideration when deciding which discount codes are displayed on our pages and how we rank them:

Why You Might Not Always Find a Working Discount Code

I know how annoying and frustrating it can be to try a series of discount codes, only to find that none of them work. While we work hard to find and publish the latest coupons for every store on UCVoucher, there are several reasons why you might not always find a working discount code for every store:

Why We Still Publish Codes That Might Not Seem to Work

Because every discount code can have different conditions, it's hard to know exactly when each code has stopped working for everyone. Our main goal is to help as many buyers as possible save as much money as possible. So if we can't be sure that a code no longer works, we might still show it on our pages.

We also show known expired codes on our pages, because although these codes have been reported by our system or buyers as no longer working, they occasionally still work for some buyers. If there's a chance that a code helps a determined buyer save some extra money with an older discount code, we want to help.